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The Kaleidoscope of the Asian American Experience

Every Asian American I have ever met has shared one or more of these similarities: growing up with ethnic foods, slowly forgetting our native speech, or bonding with friends about our overbearing family dynamics. Occasionally, I’ll meet a third-, fourth-, or even fifth-generation kid who can’t relate, but they too

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Walking and Watching in the City

Sitting under trees on a New York City park bench reminds me of The Zoo Story. While two men from different parts of life relate to the struggles of one another in such a developed society, why do I feel connected to the idea of the unknown creating loneliness? Seeing

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Was Integration Successful in Reaching Its Goal?

Don’t eviscerate me yet. The question is not as wild as it seems. You think of integration and you assume it’s generally positive: the coming together of everything under one general umbrella in society. That is what history has illusioned us to think anyway. Integration–in society, in the military, and

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