Ursinus College
Freedom, Citizenship, and Equality
Summer 2021
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – Equality in the Declaration of Independence
- Declaration of Independence
- Jefferson, “Letter to Roger Weightman,”
- Jefferson, “Letter to John Holmes,”
- Jefferson, “Letter to John Adams”
- Locke, Second Treatise
- Abigail Adams, “Letter to John Adams (March 31, 1776)”
- Thursday and Friday – The Constitution
- Lincoln, “Apples of Gold” (Fragment on the Constitution),
- U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights
- Monday and Tuesday – Slavery and Race, Equality and Freedom
- Frederick Douglass, “What to the Slave is the 4th of July?”
- Lincoln, “Speech on the Dred Scott Decision”
- Lincoln, “Emancipation Proclamation”
- Lincoln, “Gettysburg Address”
- Douglass, “Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln”
- Wednesday – Ancient Citizenship
- Plutarch, “Lycurgus”
- Thursday and Friday – Socratic Citizenship
- Plato, Apology of Socrates
- Martin Luther King, Jr., “Letter from Birmingham Jail”