Donovan Morrow is a dedicated student from Chicago who graduated in 2024 from the Illinois Math and Science Academy (IMSA). Donovan participated in North Central College’s Civic Humanities Project in the summer of 2023 and has participated in programs such as GlobalShala and Columbia University’s JSTEP Fellowship, gaining skills in technology and entrepreneurship. Donovan has also interned at SciTech and YellowBrick FIT, developing expertise in STEM education and modern fashion styling. In high school he was involved in school activities such as the Mod 21 Acapella Group, Robotics, and Chamber Choir, and he founded HauteSeat to engage students in graphic design, fashion, and literary arts. In his free time, Donovan manages the schools track and field team, writes for the school newspaper, and participates in social justice initiatives. He plans to pursue a career in UX/UI design, leveraging his creativity and problem-solving skills to deliver engaging user experiences. He currently attends Stony Brook University.